Marini Suhairi

Marini Suhairi - Student at TYMBA
TYMBA student, Nur Marini Suhairi achieves top marks and World Prize Winner status in ACCA-FiA qualifications.

World No. 1 ACCA MA1, FA2 & MA2 Prize Winner

First Year, First Cohort, 3 Prize Winner!

TYMBAQueens’ first class and cohort for the ACCA-FiA Qualification was initiated back in September 2021 where Nur Marini Suhairi is among the students who enrolled.

Nur Marini Suhairi, origin from Sungai Siput Perak, first child out of six siblings and an alumni from MRSM Sultan Azlan Shah was identified by Malaysia Professional Accountancy Centre (MyPAC) as one of Malaysia’s most intelligent student among all students in Malaysia from her outstanding results for SPM 2020. Nur Marini Suhairi is a sponsored student with Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (BIMB).

During her studies with TYMBAQueens, she has shown tremendous results during her internal tests and examinations. Madam Sara Naquia Hanim Shaharuddin, a BPP Certified Trainer, and Financial Accounting & Management Accounting tutor at TYMBAQueens has recognized outstanding potential in Nur Marini as a Prize Winner. From there on, both Madam Sara and Marini have agreed to aim & work together in achieving the goal of making Marini a Prize Winner as well as helping other students to pass and achieve 100% passing rate for the semester.

The first semester consists of two subjects which are the ACCA FiA FA1 & MA1 and are conducted in a 3 months’ period. From the synergy between Marini and Madam Sara, all of Marini’s classmates were able to achieve a 100% passing rate with an average mark of 75%!

For Nur Marini Suhairi, due to her kindness in helping her classmates and perseverance in her studies to achieve the Prize Winner award, she managed to achieve a 100% passing mark for her MA1 and scored a near-miss passing mark for her FA1 examination of 98%! Making her the World & Malaysia No. 1 Prize Winner for MA1 paper.

After this great achievement, Marini marked another achievement on which she achieved 2 World Prize Winner for FA2 and MA2 subjects. This tremendous achievement has been achieved in only 3 months. Marini again has been guided by Madam Sara and also Sir Hazrul Taufiq for management accounting subjects.

Quoting Nur Marini Suhairi, tips to every ACCA student, she mentions that the ACCA qualification is a long and tough journey where students need to have a strategic approach in balancing out their studies & leisure time by setting passing mark target and setting daily targets to ensure that you never push yourself too hard. Stay disciplined and always think positively that you will achieve those targets!

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